#19: Continued Market Testing to Kids

Real time with kindergarteners and 3rd & 4th graders!

I found that in the initial phase of the launch years ago, the real-time marketing feedback (from both kids and adults) was imperative to how we redeveloped the brand today. I continue to engage with kids (and adults/parents) in whichever scenario I can to get feedback on everything we are developing.

I love to teach and share my creative knowledge. I have taught kids (throughout my career) from kindergarten/lower school to middle school, high-school and on to college adults—all in the communication arts and design arenas. During some of my real-time classes today, I have been integrating in JNP values and get feedback on the kids interest. I find them to be engaged, excited and willing to share how they perceive themselves relating to the lesson at hand. It is a wonderful experience, and validates the brand we have developed which does connect to kids.

Pictures do tell a story, and here are some that are quite the novel in the exercise of, “What is ME?,” and, “How to you see your inner-awesome shining out through to your outer awesome.”

IMG_4619-iAM-ME IMG_5752-loveIMG_5760IMG_0192-KclassIMG_4086 copyIMG_5762IMG_0194-JaneOracle-kidartBoys-FacesInnerAwesome copyface-icanIMG_0249-Girls-K-coloringIMG_4628-IamME_class-board

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Note: This Blog is a chronological diary of a start-up-company—The JNP Project’s Journey—reading it from the start, will broaden your understanding of the path we are on, together, and hopefully, positively influence you in some way!

FYI Tip: Working with your target audience in development makes for positive feedback—well worth the efforts.

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