COLOR PALETTES are an essential anchor tying together your visual recognition image—every color elicits a different response (or feeling) from your viewer.

COLOR PALETTES are an essential anchor tying together your visual recognition image—every color elicits a different response (or feeling) from your viewer.
Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 3.53.19 PM Typically, in most color emotion guides, BLUE has a feeling of trust, strength and dependability, and ORANGE feels friendly, cheerful and confident—all of which we want our JNP customers to feel when they engage in our brand!
Solving problems is one of the quickest ways to gain influence. When you solve problems for people, or resolve a difficult situation another person is facing, you gain trust, confidence and loyalty. You become a “go-to person”—that’s who Jaunty is to Oracle (Jane’s talking pet goldfish, who takes Jane and Jake on adventures to discover […]
In today’s world, with the realm of global technology at our fingertips, digital versions are apparent, and print versions are still a need; therefore, multiple file formats need to be created (if you want to reach all the available markets ‘out there’).
I had the vision. A series of fun, entertaining and educational stories that children would be absorbed into and grow with, positively. An experience in which they could read along; record their own voice; have someone read to them; become one of the characters in the story; listen to music and sing along to. An […]