Parent Kit Testimonials

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Girls Breaking Boundaries has benefited greatly from The JNP Project. Just one year ago, the girls of Girls Breaking Boundaries were shy, soft-spoken girls. Those girls are now speaking up and speaking out, and, undoubtedly, Dona and the JNP Project has been pivotal in this growth. The girls look forward to Dona’s visits, as she is a positive force in shaping who they are becoming. She shares the themes of truth and kindness though The JNP books, guiding the girls to develop a strong sense of self. And with new Girls Breaking Boundaries members this year, I am excited to see their growth with Dona’s support and proud that current members will mentor the new ones.
Megan Zimmerman, M.A., Grade 7 Language Arts Teacher, Bates Middle School

“Parents contact me constantly to ask what they should do about their parenting issues. The focus is on what is NOT going well, they are locked into a problem state and can’t see their way out of it. In the Jane and Jake stories the children are similarly in a problem state until they go on their adventure to the undersea world of Awesome where they learn that they have options. Through meeting different sea creatures who challenge them with games and tasks they realize they already have the skills they need, and by applying them, they now understand how by (doing something different) they can get a different and better result in life. Whether children read the stories alone or with a parent or older sibling, the learning will resonate with all age groups. These parent kits take the learning further still with fun family activities to consolidate the learning in arts and crafts, drama and music for all ages.”

Judy Bartkowiak, Parent and Child Coach, NLP Trainer — Lead Content Developer, JNP Parent Kits
Author of “Be a happier parent with NLP” and the Engaging NLP series of workbooks (for all the family
Neuro Linguistic Programming was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder and  is based on Virginia Satir’s work in Family Therapy. It is a series of techniques and a way of thinking which guides parents to be a model of excellence for their children and focus on what is going well for them,  in order to replicate that structure of excellence in other areas of the child’s life.







