BK0: ED Gd 3-4


Jane and Jake's Adventures to AwesomeEDUCATOR [UNIT PLAN] CURRICULUM — Grades 3-4 — coincide with BK0: Prequel — Jane & Jake’s Adventures to Awesome: The Journey Begins

Our goal is to provide educators with research-based teaching resources and strategies that supplement our Jane & Jake’s Adventures to Awesome stories. These materials have been carefully designed and curated to help teachers meet instructional expectations articulated by the Common Core State Standards in Science, Math, Social Studies, and especially, English Language Arts.

Read more details aobut our EDUCATOR UNIT PLANS…


JNP-CCSS-Seal-01Written and developed by our team of professional educators (with decades of teaching experience and curriculum design expertise), our JNP Educator Unit Plan Kits correspond to Jane & Jake’s Adventures to Awesome, the JNP discovery series that builds self-esteem and confidence, especially in girls and boys ages 5 – 10.

JNP Educator Resource Kits includes:

  • 61 Pages — 8.5″ x 11″ downloadable color pdf format (printable document)
  • Foundation (purpose of the Kit, series description and mission, JNP mission statement, JNP mission action, JNP mission philosophy)
  • Story Summary, Targeted Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
  • Learning Activities (key ideas and details, instructions, materials needed, links to free downloadables, accommodations for differentiated instruction, extension activities, and facilitation
    tips based on best practices in education)
  • Additional Resources, Personal Reward (the JNP “Pearls of Power”)
  • Supporting Research

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