Ideas & Insights
Love My Job: Creative Director
Building self-confidence and self-esteem are important for a child to grow up feeling happy and secure. By having those foundations laid early in life, the possibilities are endless as to what the future may hold.
So, in a way, our next guest is in the business of creating the future – but we’ll let her tell you all about it.
Please introduce yourself to our readers…
Hello! My name is Dona Rudderow Sturn.
Can you tell us what company you work for?
The JNP Project
What is your title there?
Founder & Creative Director
What are the exact responsibilities of your job?
Creating the brand.
Developing all aspects from idea concept directives.
Building the 35+ Professionals staff who have worked with me on this new start-up.
Financial budgets and P&L reporting.
What is it about your job that makes you love it?
I am thrilled knowing that the “Jane & Jake’s Adventures to Awesome” book series and their supporting products (music/songs, parent activity kits for kids, educational curriculum, and interactive website), all enrich the lives of kids 5-12+ by nurturing their character, courage, and confidence and ultimately strengthening their healthy self-esteem!
What particular skills or talents are most essential to completing your tasks?
Creative skill sets.
Branding/ Advertising background.
Management/ people person.
Literary/writing skills.
Desire to do good.
Passion for best product/best results in every project.
Never give up attitude.
Financial sources.
What level of education would you say is required to perform your role?
Do you find that you bring your work home with you? (And is that a good or bad thing?)
Yes. I can “turn off” work – that takes practice. But I do live this project 24/7.
How does this job compare to other jobs you’ve held in the past?
This job has a purpose, and the more successful we are with our outreach, the better our capabilities to change the world positively. We are giving all children who connect to JNP books and products the ability to believe in themselves!
What is your favorite food?
Anything that is good for the body. And, of course, really good chocolate! :O
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