JNP in July summer reading fun: Jane & Jake and all the undersea characters from Awesome were introduced to local kids (families of Au Pair in America)–they had a blast, and DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE!
We had a basic overview of some of the questions the kids wanted to review, and were only slotted to be there for about an hour—a few hours later, at the close of our engagement, all the kids were chanting: I am. I can. I will. Empowered. (I did not prompt them at all to […]
Real time with kindergarteners and 3rd & 4th graders! I found that in the initial phase of the launch years ago, the real-time marketing feedback (from both kids and adults) was imperative to how we redeveloped the brand today. I continue to engage with kids (and adults/parents) in whichever scenario I can to get feedback […]